Monday, July 29, 2013


When I look at the above picture, I am reminded of how awesome life can be at times. There was a whole history of friendship leading up to this "pinch-me" kind-of-day. This was taken on Valentine's Day 2011, on the streets of Paris, France. Maybe my imagination is limited because I just couldn't believe I was there, with some of the people I care most about in the world. Lucky, blessed, grateful...all of the above.

I am thankful that I have had Diana as a faithful friend since the ninth grade. We were inseparable through high school and ventured off to UT together and I cant imagine what growing up would have been like without a friend like her.

Like many of the people I find myself writing about, the word "generosity" comes to mind when I think about Diana. She is one of the most generous and giving people that I know. She is a giving friend, and also such a support to her family members. Everyone can rely on Diana. She steps up to the plate time and time again.

There isn't enough space and time for me to say really how grateful I am that Diana and I have been best friends through the years. There are ample letters, emails, inside jokes and shenanigans to support the fact that we have been through a lot together and we have had such a blast of it!  Since I have known Diana, I have never had any doubt that she would be a successful person since she is so smart and driven. I am grateful that she has been able to do well in her career, but also that she found a wonderful man who is deserving of being with someone as great as she is. They have a really cool life traveling all around the world and have been able to experience so many fascinating sites. I love when kind, generous, people find happiness and love.  Now, if only they would come back to the US, I would be ever so much more grateful.

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