Friday, July 26, 2013


Today is a special day in  my life...July 26. Six years ago today, I met the man that I would marry. Nick and I met at a little dive bar in East Austin in 2007. It was a Thursday night and we would have our first date the following night at Fado, an Irish Pub. After that we were pretty much inseparable. It was an exciting time in life, and a period of time I remember with fondness.

What I love about life is unexpected gifts of joy! Meeting Nick was that for me. He had a zest for life, excitement for travel and was really happy to share these things with me. Our lives have changed so much since 2007, and I am just so grateful that we have been able to experience so many things together and explore the world together.

I am grateful that Nick has been such a great planner and enjoys traveling. He has made some cool things happen for me, that I otherwise would not have done. I still pinch myself when I think that I was in Paris, and on Valentine's Day! What fun we have had together!

Now that we have a daughter, I have a whole new appreciation for Nick. I knew that he would be an excellent father, but he has really embraced his role and is active in our daughter's life in ways that I would guess a lot of men may not be. He loves being with Ruby, loves organizing her clothes and picking out matching outfits for her, he is on top of all her nutritional needs and you cant let him go to Babies 'R Us alone because he tends to go a little overboard. He loves all aspects of caring for her and I couldn't ask for a more involved and loving co-parent! I will never forget the look in his eyes when gazing at her in the hospital after she was born. You could tell that his new mission in life was to make her life the best it could be.

I am grateful that we found each other this day six years ago and am I extra-thankful that he said "yes" when I asked him out. I believe in fate and so I guess that there really wasn't any other way. Every day I am thankful that I have Nick in my life and for all that he is to Ruby and me.

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