Friday, July 19, 2013

Project: Approaching 30 with Gratitude

Today is July 19, which means that in exactly one month, I will be turning 30 years old. I wanted to do something mindful and intentional as I approach this milestone birthday, and also honor and say goodbye to my twenties. Earlier in the week I watched a piece online about the science of happiness. I already knew that gratitude creates happiness, but the piece explained how those who express their gratitude are even happier. I like that. I also like being happy, and who wouldn't want to be as happy as can be when they turn 30? So for the next month, I am committing to writing each day about one person in my life who I am grateful for. Just thinking about who those people will be is making me happy already. I have a feeling that 30 days may not cover all the people, but it's a start. Here's to the people who have helped make me who I am and who have inspired me for 29+ years, so far!

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