Friday, August 16, 2013


Megan is another awesome friend that I met through work. I first met her when we were co-counselors at Camp Braveheart and instantly liked her. Megan is kind, generous, down-to-Earth, and has a very warm spirit. It wasn't until the last couple years that I was able to work more closely with her in the office, that we became closer outside of work.

I mentioned her generosity. She is the type that is always willing to help someone in need. There have been a couple occasions when my spirits have been down, and Megan took me out for dinner or brunch because she knew that would help, and it did. Her kindness extends to others all around her. She is perfect for her job, part of which entails running a program that helps hospice patients who have pets that they need help with- either with food, respite care, re-homing, etc...

One of the coolest things about Megan I think is her tattoo of her pet guinea pig, Eleanor. It may sound a bit strange, but if you know her, and the circumstances surrounding how she came to adopt Eleanor, it makes perfect sense. Basically she adopted and fell in love with a young patient's pet and has given it a life that is probably one of the best any guinea pig will ever have! And he (it's a boy) will be immortalized in ink on her forearm.

Megan makes me laugh and is so fun to be around. She is another that I am grateful to call friend!

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