Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Daycare workers

Yesterday my sister watched Ruby for the day. When I picked her up, she remarked at just how much work it was to watch one baby, let alone 10+ like the daycare caregivers do. I personally cannot imagine doing that work every day, but I am grateful there are people who do work in that capacity. Lately I find that as soon as I drop off my daughter in the mornings, I have some sense of relief and can shift my focus toward my 9-5 work, without worrying too much about my daughter. Sometimes I try to imagine what it would be like to come to the daycare as my job. I would not last long. I know that daycares often get a bad wrap, and I too complain about how expensive they are, but the people there do work really hard and are really un-sung heroes. These pepole make it possible for me to exist in this world doing the two things that I care about the most: work in a field that gives me purpose and care for my family, which also gives me purpose. I wish I had the resources to pay these people what they actually deserve, and give them benefits that they should have such as sick time, but I can't. They show up every day with the charge of caring for my most precious possession (if you will) and keep her safe, fed, clean, and for the most part, happy. Oh, and they really do love her. I am thankful for all the caregivers who love my child and other children who are not theirs, and who work hard so that parents can also work hard outside the home.

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